Mily Puente

Hello! I'm a web developer. I would love to help you build your website, app or feature. These are some of my personal projects, I'm always learning new skills to increase my technical experience.

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Web project for a fictional weather site. Powered by '' (API). Not responsive for small screens.
JavaScriptHTML5 / CSS3Webpack

Space-Shooter Game

Web video-game which recreate some aspects of classic space shooting games. Not responsive for small screens.
JavaScriptPhaser3HTML5 / CSS3Webpack


Command line project, emulating the classic game.
Try it in the Console!

Private Events

Web project including user registration/edition/deletion, events creation and events attendance/unattendance. Not responsive for small screens.
Ruby / RailsHTML5 / CSS3Bootstrap


Web project for mobile screens that keeps track of exercises/workout routines and categorize/group them. Not responsive for big screens.
Ruby / RailsHTML5 / CSS3Bootstrap
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Bohemian Festival

Responsive website for a fictional concert.

I'm a detail-oriented developer, I think that functionality and design can be good partners. I love commiting myself to a project and do a bit more from what is expected. Take a look at some of my work! If you like it and think I can help you with coding, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Mily Puente image
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